About Altrusa

State College, PA, United States
We make our communities better through leadership, partnership and service. That is our goal. Founded in 1917, Altrusa is relevant to many civic-minded people who are interested in creating better communities. Last year, Altrusans proudly gave over a million volunteer hours around the world, including clubs in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, England, Bermuda, Ireland, India, Scotland, New Zealand and Russia. Several decades ago, Altrusa decided to institute literacy as an area of focus for the organization; since then, service areas have expanded to include HIV/AIDS and disaster relief. During our last biennium, Altrusans assisted in relief efforts for the Port-au-Prince, Haiti and Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes, as well as the Tsunami in Japan. Most importantly, Altrusans give their time and resources in areas that are deemed most important in their local communities. The Altrusa story is evolving every day through club accomplishments. When you visit any Altrusa club, you will see leadership and service in action.

Thursday, September 15, 2016



 Greetings, Sisters in Altrusa! 

 We had a wonderful time during our annual August picnic. Thank you very much to Sally R who hosted and made certain we had plenty of fantastic grilled food to eat! We had several members submit entries for an Altrusa Centennial drink -- they were all fantastic and we ended up without a final selection for submission during District Conference. We will have to continue to struggle through the burden of tasting and recommending! Later in this newsletter are committee sign ups to date. Please remember that as an Altrusan you are expected to serve on at least one committee (above and beyond the service committee, of which we are all members). If you don't see your name on the list, please forward your preference to me ASAP!!!! Finally, please join me in sending our deepest condolences to Libby M. whose mother recently passed away. Several of our members have been challenged by significant losses in our lives so I know we have the empathy to reach out and console her. 

 All my best, 


 Norma Keller, 

Centre County UN Association

“Altrusa and the United Nations: Nationally and Locally” 

Our featured October program, sponsored by 
the International Relations Committee

WHERE: Celebration Hall

2280 Commercial Blvd.

State College

WHEN: Wednesday, October 19, 2016

1 comment:

  1. This should be a great program -- I can't wait! I'm trying to round up some people to invite!


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