About Altrusa

State College, PA, United States
We make our communities better through leadership, partnership and service. That is our goal. Founded in 1917, Altrusa is relevant to many civic-minded people who are interested in creating better communities. Last year, Altrusans proudly gave over a million volunteer hours around the world, including clubs in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, England, Bermuda, Ireland, India, Scotland, New Zealand and Russia. Several decades ago, Altrusa decided to institute literacy as an area of focus for the organization; since then, service areas have expanded to include HIV/AIDS and disaster relief. During our last biennium, Altrusans assisted in relief efforts for the Port-au-Prince, Haiti and Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes, as well as the Tsunami in Japan. Most importantly, Altrusans give their time and resources in areas that are deemed most important in their local communities. The Altrusa story is evolving every day through club accomplishments. When you visit any Altrusa club, you will see leadership and service in action.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

2016 Ron & Mary Maxwell Community Spelling Bee 

Join us for our 17th Annual Bee! 

Adults compete in teams of 2 or 3 to be crowned Spelling Bee champions. Teams are given a minute to confer on their answer, using paper and pencil. And best of all, teams are not disqualified until their second misspelled word! 

Foxdale Village Auditorium 500 E. Marylyn Avenue State College, PA 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 6:00 pm 

Interested in spelling? 
Contact Melina Lindsey, Spelling Bee Committee Co-Chair, at melina.lindsey@mid-stateliteracycouncil.org 

Interested in sponsoring the Bee? 
We have excellent sponsorship opportunities that will allow your business to support literacy in our community. Please contact Amy Wilson at awilson@mid-stateliteracycouncil.org or 814-238-1809 to learn more.

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